Connecting with the Unified Field of Light
All our spiritual practices of past, present and future contribute to the unified field of light that exists around the Earth.
This is a meditation to connect with the light of this field, for yourself and all living beings on Mother Earth. Fotoula Adrimi, teacher of The ISIS School of Holistic Health, guides you in the meditation to expand your inner light by connecting with the power of the cosmos that resides inside your heart. With each breath, you connect with the plethora of spiritual practitioners throughout time who work in service for the highest good of All.
Fotoula says: "I have always noticed the power and light of any spiritual practice that takes place in community, where we sit as one tribe, one heart, one being. I have seen incredible transformation taking place when we come together as One.
My spiritual guide, the ancient Egyptian Goddess ISIS, has shown me how our combined practices create an aura of light around the planet, to which we can continue to contribute, and be supported by, individually and collectively."
Fotoula has also helped many people find their calling through the path of the ancient Egyptian Mystery School, Shamanism and alternative spirituality. In 2006 she received an enormous body of spiritual wisdom through direct revelation from the Goddess Isis, called "The Seven Gates of Awareness" and she has been teaching it ever since. She trained with some of the most well known indigenous and western shamans, including the Shamanic Teacher Training with Sandra Ingerman, and she is a member of Global Shamanic Teachers. She has been facilitating circles and workshops since 2009 and has been teaching shamanic practitioners and priestesses since 2012. Her first book, an Amazon UK bestseller, “The Golden Book of Wisdom: ancient spirituality and shamanism for modern times” is an epitome of spiritual learning, mysticism and soul evolution.
We offer these videos and meditations free of charge, but we welcome donations to support our work. If you would like to donate, you can do so through Paypal: Alternatively, you can email us for our bank details. Your support is very much appreciated.
Disclaimer: Fotoula Adrimi as the author of this video and The ISIS School of Holistic Health do not offer medical advice or advocate the use of any spiritual techniques as a form of medical treatment for physical or mental illness without the advise of a physician. The intent of the video is to offer information of a general nature to help the reader in their spiritual journey, without advocating that any of the content is scientifically proven. In the event you use any of the information on this present video, which is your right, the author and The ISIS School of Holistic Health assume no responsibility for any outcomes.
None of these concepts have been scientifically proven and no claims are made as to their effectiveness. This information is for demonstration purposes only.